where can i get a radio transsmiter?
2005-12-11 13:26:18 UTC
i am looking for a radio transsmiter of any band thats cheap if you have a used one or something i will take that to.
One answer:
2005-12-11 22:33:07 UTC
Hi.....that's a difficult question to answer without knowing how you intend to use it. There are many types of transmitters (AM, FM, SSB, Morse Code, etc.). Some require a license from the Federal Communications Commission in order to operate it legally.

If you want to chat on the radio with friends in your neighborhood, you can use a Citizen's Band radio (if you're here in the United States) without a license. Or, you can get an Amateur Radio License and that will allow you to talk to people anywhere in the world!

There are also low power transmitters which some folks use to broadcast their own radio shows in their town, but they require a special license and equipment.

As you can see, there's a lot to learn about transmitters, but just be sure to do it legally or the Federal Government can make you pay a very expensive fine and take your equipment away.

I hope this helps. <<

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.