2012-10-20 21:38:18 UTC
8 ohm stereo.
RMS Power Rating 120 watts Mono, 60 watts Stereo
Peak Power Handling 240 watts Mono, 120 watts Stereo.
the only reason why i put down all that info is because i need to know what it means before i purchase a head. For instance, how many watts is my crate flex really. i would be using it at 8ohm all the time. well majority of the time so does it mean its a 60w cabinet? Now...heads are so expensive and i figured that i can use a power watt amp and connect my little amp to it and have it work just fine. how would this work out? what wattage power amp would i need? and will my amp be able to work if i connect it to the power amp.
( Guitar>15w Line 6 spider III amp> Power Amp>Crate flex cabinet.) Will this work? PLEASE HELP.