Why do people hate Apple so much and insult people who like them?
2013-01-14 08:45:46 UTC
For the past two years or so I have been an Apple fan (iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Pro) and one of the main things I have noticed is all the blatant hatred for Apple, and sometimes it really depresses me for buying them.

I have never encountered the "arrogance" that so many people comment on. I don't feel that iOS is better than Android, it just works better for me. iOS is getting a little stale, but android has its issues. To me it should all be based on preference, but I'm constantly reading that Windows and Android are better than iOS and OSX in every way and that Apple users are "dumb" and pay for "overpriced crap". I don't get that, iPhones and iPads are the same price as high end androids. Yes, Android can do more, but if iOS can do all I need and does it in a way that fits me isn't that all the matters? I feel that Apple products are top quality, but what works for me not work for others.

There is no denying that Apple has been a large innovator, as has Samsung, Motorola, etc. They started the modern tablet war and helped push smartphones forward, even if they have fallen behind lately. Why are they hated for it?

Why is it such a heated topic. To me they are equal, but sometimes people really make me feel bad about my stuff and people claim that Apple will die and all my purchases will be useless.

To you think I'm just to sensitive? Why is Apple considered to be utter crap on nearly all forums, blogs, and news sites (Cnet). What did they do to be so hated?

I've wanted to ask this for a very long time...
33 answers:
2013-01-16 11:13:48 UTC
Looks like I'm the only person on here that actually knows anything about computers.

I've been writing and fixing Unix V and now Unix VI so 5+ years for IBM, and this is what I know about Macintosh: They are cheap, overrated, and generally, over-hyped. People want to say things like "They are jealous". Well, here's the truth: Apple is jealous. Apple repeatedly bought (and continues to buy) all internal hardware (and external hardware) from other companies. The old processors were IBM. The touchscreens are Samsung, etc, etc, etc. Apple does not "innovate" in any way, they simply rip-off what other companies have done, put it in a nice, designer box, and charge you three times as much.

It is, without a doubt, the Abercrombie and Fitch of the computer world. Same fabric, a higher price.

Last year Apple debuted their new "innovation", the iPhone 5. Now, with 4G LTE and a larger touchscreen.

Last year IBM also debuted their new "innovation", a photon-light drive. This is a hard drive that stacks and arranges photons (yes the sub-atomic particle that comprises light) in a spin-up / spin-down arrangement that enables a peta-byte to be stored on something the size of a human hair. One petabyte can store all written information, from all of human history, in all recorded languages, and I am not exaggerating, go look it up.

Why does this piss people off so much?

Because I work for a company that actually does make computer innovations. And the ********* of America, who don't actually know **** about computers, like to play that they do, and go out and buy new "i-products" and show them off to their friends, like they're a big deal.

It's not jealousy, it's that I hate people for being stupid enough to buy into something that is ultimately, just old technology.

IBM employees were texting in the 1980's. This "innovation" didn't show up for Apple users for another 20 years. Its **** like that. I'm ******* tired of hearing people talk about Apple that they've ever built anything that wasn't built by another company before. Also, Apple suing Samsung is going to be a major blow to their stock. Because Apple was convinced that they could win, and they did not. Every single touchscreen on an Apple product that you have ever seen was patented by, initially produced by, and still owned, by Samsung. Now that Apple has pissed off someone who they buy their products from, there is a chance that you will not see the same touchscreen on Apple products in the future, after their existing contract with Samsung expires.

Anyone who says "Apples are the best computers ever" do not know **** about today's computer. They know about what was innovative ten years ago and is now being sold to you dumb ***** at 3x the price.
2014-02-21 19:45:51 UTC
This is the most ridiculous conversation I have read on the internet. Who cares one way or another. Honestly, do what works best for yourself and forget the comments. If you bought an iphone, ipad, mac, and love it then love it and forget what other peoples opinons are and what they have to say. They don't know your lifestyle or your specific needs. I used to hate Apple because I thought it was a band wagon which in some respects it may actually be that. I switch to a Samsung and I told ATT I would pay them to take that phone back and give me an Apple. I did this because I am pretty savy however I am a single mother of two and I do not have the time to sit and figure all the little bull **** things out and why i can't do this or why i have to wait to do that. I don't have the time and I certainly do not have the patience for that. So I have an Iphone and I could not be happier with my purchase. Now I also have a pc laptop and it works for me however I would like to have a Mac as well so that I can run and opperate both. I like pc and Apple I do not like the Samsung phone except that they had one app that I can not get with Apple yet but so what Who gives a rats *** because while ya'll are sitting around bantering about Apple, vs Pc or Iphone vs Android I have already made my phone calls and read and responded to my emails... Peace out and have a nice day banterers JAC Keep doing what you are doing and stop doubting yourself and the things that you like no one cares and the ones that do have too much time on there hand...
2016-11-10 09:38:00 UTC
I Hate Apple Products
2014-04-09 11:09:32 UTC
I totally agree with you, I think everyone should just be happy with what they have and not criticize others for having something different. And if anyone says "You're wrong, Android is better because.....", then they're not understanding your point. It's just a matter of personal choice. I've never had an iphone but I had an ipod touch and many androids. I think there are pros and cons of both. I used my android for calling and texting and a few apps, but for most apps, games, music, movies, and web surfing I would use my ipod. I just think the apple app store is cleaner and more organized. I had to sell my ipod to help pay for college so now I just have an android phone, and I'm okay with that. I have music on there and I can surf the web and get most of the same apps, but I really want to get a new ipod touch, I kind of miss my old one. Another thing is that I jailbroke it and I loved all you could do with that.
2016-01-07 04:09:42 UTC
Apple made so many beautiful products that actually work and last. The iPod, iPhone, iPad, iMac, Macbook Air etc, they are beautiful to behold, the worst part is these haters have never even owned these products and misjudge them. The internet is dripping with bullshit written by people who want to sound like experts at technology. At every launch of an iPhone, the reviews are mostly saying stuff like `Apple has stopped innovating` or ` they are still stuck with dual core processing and low RAM, and people are so easily fooled by this. If you really think you have the right to judge, then buy an apple product first, empty your mind from all the rubbish you`ve read online and see for yourself.
2014-08-02 21:26:11 UTC
Personally why I used android because android able to give larger screen but sucks on the battery and some other applications.

Apple products I never like them except for the tablet. I will buy tablet because of the retina display which

samsung does not have. Apple control most application unless you really know how to jail break. Jail break might take longer to release.

As for stock exchange apple stock dipped down due to long overdue for apple products for their best seller iphone.

If you are well verse products do not criticize the owner each of the own preferences. Like me I won't buy Samsung note too big for me no privacy. I don't wish to someone glare at me what am I doing and one more thing buy prvarcy screen you need to fork out more for your device. Call me cheap yes I am why would I want to buy expensive cover after two years contract I upgrade my phone. I am those people

who are willing to wait to b
Mike Staadt
2015-07-21 20:14:03 UTC
Foxtrot is right...... listen up he's not trying to go on an angry rampage but apple is meant as a dumbed down os for people who get too many viruses which is way way overpriced. Don't believe me look at the specs on any apple system and then compare the hardware to any other computer out there at equal price. You will find that all the hardware in non mac computers dwarfs your mac from processor to board to video cards to hdd and ssd. Please don't come at me and say it's the os that makes it worth it. If you want a basic system that have very few virus threats use Linux it's free.
2015-08-18 09:09:22 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Why do people hate Apple so much and insult people who like them?

For the past two years or so I have been an Apple fan (iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Pro) and one of the main things I have noticed is all the blatant hatred for Apple, and sometimes it really depresses me for buying them.

I have never encountered the "arrogance" that so many people...
2014-05-27 23:14:47 UTC
I'm sorry, FoxTrot, but I really think that you need to take a chill. Notice how you said that their OLD processors WERE IBM. This just proves my point. They WERE. Past tense. And I also noticed that because you worked for IBM, there's probably a lot of bias there, especially considering that you were completely booted from the PC industry by Apple. Also, ever heard of a graphic interface before the Macintosh? I promise you that Apple has made several advances that you are just completely ignoring. Also, I am not biased as I have used Apple devices, Windows PCs, and Android devices all, and I have made a decision that Apple has the best devices. Also, if Apple is all old technology, then how come I'm writing this on an Apple laptop with a next-gen WiFi chip in it? Why is Apple really the only one to use 802.11ac WiFi right now? I'd like to see you try to answer this one without making ANOTHER fool of yourself like you did with that processor crap.
2014-11-27 14:39:17 UTC
Unhappy people need to idolatre something, and hate the opposite. They can use both, Android and iOS, OS X and Windows, and be happy. But not, they prefer to bash Apple and viceversa than just use what works for them and be happy.

They are like demon's wannabes, annoying as hell. I use Apple and i'm happy with my stuff, but 90% of people bash themselves in wars like Android vs iOS. Human nature.
2016-01-18 11:04:11 UTC
People should not be jealous about Apple products, they are good. The only thing is they are too expensive. My husband bought me an iPad Air and it cost him almost $800. I like their Apple care and Genious bar.
2014-08-05 10:25:05 UTC
Well, I switched from Windows to Mac, I half agree on what FoxTrot saids, however, its just opinions, point of views, how people judge, people who are like that are just stupid, and pisses me off since they think their opinions are the best of the best and stuffy stuff like that. Some guy is like "haha mac user it just sucks" Well those types of people just pisses me off the most. Its just a matter of opinions think what you think, no need to listen to those jerks talk trash/brag/stuffy stuff.

Pretty much apple copied the ideas, but still, its their idea, their opinion that its good, there isn't need to judge other peoples things.

Well I just hate when they compare stuff...Some people say the insult, they just pathetic thats all
2016-02-16 02:49:17 UTC
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2013-11-24 11:59:15 UTC
I don't hate Apple, but I don't understand what everyone sees in them. I think they rely too much on packaging as opposed to actual function.

Just this morning I had the McDonald's cashier freak out when I used my Galaxy Nexus (Android) to pay for my meal. I can do this at any standard contactless payment terminal. A few weeks ago at Rite Aid, things didn't work because of a payment reader malfunction (on their part). The clerk suggested that I upgrade to the iPhone 5, a phone which doesn't even have NFC in it whatsoever. But he seems to have suggested it because Apple has somehow managed to make people think that their products are the end-all be-all of the tech industry.

This Galaxy Nexus from 2011 also has a display with similar resolution to Apple's Retina display, a full year earlier. Another thing to consider is that Apple introduced the iPad Mini six months after Google's Nexus 7 demonstrated that midsize tablets were viable in the market.

Apple doesn't innovate, they package and market. And I find it's the people who understand the least about hardware and software who worship at their altar. If you want to do that, go ahead. Just understand what it is you're really worshipping.
Keith Aaron
2015-02-27 10:47:40 UTC
Because they forget that it is consumer electronics and that most user just use their phone as a phone. And don't care about all the extras. Its preference of a user interface over an overclocked processor.
2014-01-10 18:55:25 UTC
Because apple people will do two things. They will tell you their apple product is superior to your non apple product, and they will buy the next apple product, no matter what. I have seen this play out over and over again until it makes my ears bleed. Also, the company made a lot of claims that the apple followers quoted as truths, when they had just been tricked by the "culture". The FTC even had to twist their arms a bit before they stopped claiming to be "virus free". Then there was the practice of comparing an 1800 dollar mac book to a 400 dollar pc, then boasting superiority. Take the claim that their current mac book pro was so advanced, that pc wouldn't have anything like it for 10 years, when a m17x alienware was already superior, and 400 bucks less. Then there is my favorite activity of apple. Trying to do harm to good companies. Google, and Adobe both found themselves defending against the apple, but apple was the one that took too big of a bite. I could keep going...
2013-12-08 05:52:30 UTC
People are ignorant, and because these days everyone can post all the crap they won't, you have a mix of stupid opinions, from people who do not know nothing about what they are speaking. Let's start from here, people are ignorant. Say you have an iPhone 5 and an Samsung S4...both bought by you....only then one can make a statement. But people, buy one thing, and scream that the other is worst. It is not like that. We...the people most of us have no idea how a company like Samsung or Apple work, we just assume we know, and post stupid things, as you can read in the posts here. These people who posted are ignorants, they have no idea, they just pretend they know. None of them had both phones, none. Non of them gave iMac and pc with the same configurations. NONE!!! How can you compare to products, if you only had one? Only a stupid and ignorant idiot can claim he-she can!! So how many of you claim you can compare it, even if you do not own both products? Com on, let's hear it!!!! I do not have iPhone and android phone at once. But, I started as most of us, with the cheep nokia's that were so cool back 15 years, upgraded with the flow to something else, and from one to another at some point we both an android phone or a iPhone, we got familiar with it, we liked it and both another update, and here we are, pretending we know!!!!! I use an iPhone from 2007, when the first iPhone was released? Why, because it was something other phones did not had at that moment. I started using it, and loved it, of course it was full of problems, but at that time it was the best. I upgraded at some point for iPhone 3gs, super cool phone. At that point other phones similar to iPhone came out, but I already had the iPhone, was no point in switching, because I already loved my phone. I own now an iPhone 5, probably S4 can do much the same, and probably much more. But for me the i5 is just enough, i do not feel the need to switch, or I do not feel something is missing. I cannot claim that the S4 is worst or better. What I can say is that I enjoy spending time in shops watching other phones. Most of them are nice, but all of them feel cheep in hand compared with iPhone. Most of them are made out of cheep plastic. I cannot go past that. So it is a matter of choice, nothing else. I love iPhones because I do so much with them, I enjoy using them. Probably android and samsung is the same, you cane do a lot with them, probably some people love them, but is all a matter of choice. Samsung is a big company they do a lot of things... Apple on the other hand they do not manufacture anything, because of reasonable reasons, but they do the design....Wat is design. Well is the way a thing looks. But not only in the outside, but inside as well. Say I must create a schematic for an electric machine. It is called design. How I layout the cables, parts, magnets, all it is called design of electrical machines. So apple, makes the design of a computer, most of the things are custom built, so then they speck to samsung, lg, sharp and see where they can have the parts for their custom design. Then they speck to fox con and build it up. Just because they use transistors from samsung, it does not mean that the iPhone and S4 is the same. It is just like painting. Just because 2 painters use the same tools it does not mean the paintings are the same!!! Come one, you do not have to bi to bright to understand this!!! This goes for samsung as well, they use gnu-cpu from ARM. A part of ARM is apple propriety. They use batteries from someone else, chargers from some other companies, etc.... but the design, and engineering is what it matters in the end.
2015-01-11 17:57:30 UTC
Pure jealously. Apple hardware is used extensively in the creative industry so we have the jobs and income that angers most troglodytes.
2014-09-27 15:23:58 UTC
I'm a professional game developer working on AAA titles for the three major consoles and PC. I spend ALL of my professional time at work on a PC. At home, most of my personal game development projects are also working on PC, and I use a Samsung Phone.

So you Apple haters will love to know that I use a Macbook Pro for music production, DJing as a hobby and some film/photo editing. Some of my personal gaming entertainment is on PC and console, but a large portion of it is on my fact, I use my PC (or bootcamp on my Pro because it runs windows better than any laptop designed for windows) to develop personal game projects for Apple store, never Marketplace. Why? Because Marketplace is $hitty place to sell games if you want to make money and not get your designs ripped off. Apple products are MUCH easier to develop for as you are developing for ONE platform, not seven or eight. I also own an iPod Touch, because my car integrates better with it than my Samsung and displays the tags and artwork on my console display flawlessly.. the Samsung sucks at it.

I see benefits and flaws in both. Windows is more open and isn't locked as much as Mac OS, but it is also a bloated POS because it has to support SO many hardware options. I hate dealing with drivers, I hate dealing with the registry... You PC users seem to forget all the buggy $hit you have to deal with on a regular basis. Was I reluctant to spend as much as I did on my mac? Do I think they might be overpriced? YOU BET!! At first I felt awful. Now I look back and I know if I drop another 2K+ on an Apple lappy, I'll get another four years out of it. I have never had to reinstall my OS, never had a hardware failure and it still runs like a &^*%^ champ. I've had friends with Alienware laptops that were only a couple hundred $ less and have had to be replaced in half the time I've had my Mac.

Now I'm looking at getting rid of my Samsung and replacing it with a iPhone 6+. I haven't had an iphone since iphone 2 and the only reason I had one at the time was because it was a company phone. But I'm sick of my Samsung. I'm sick of notifications not clearing, sick of feeling like I have to dig fourty levels deep into settings to do anything, sick of the short battery life. I find it funny that nearly everyone I know who loves Android claims that the reason is because they have "options" and can "Customize" their phone experience, but none of them customize it to do anything the iPhone could do, with HALF the frustrations.

I hate people who hate one side or the other.. it's ignorant and narrow minded. Haters on either side hate cause it's the cool thing to do and want to fit in with their peers. I see value in both, and there are things about both that I dislike. Apple is trimmed down and puts a lot of thought into ease of use and user experience, but you pay a little too much for that. PC and Android allows for more flexibility, but they are bloated, buggy and sometimes you just want $hit to work without having to be a techhead.

True story I find interesting. I bought my mother an iPad for mother's day last year. BEST THING I EVER DID... I never get 2-3 hour phone calls asking how to fix some error on her pc, or install a driver, or why the damned thing won't work. She ditched the PC, cause the ipad met her needs and was simple enough to do so without having to use me as support hotline.
2014-10-15 05:14:45 UTC
Fox Trot forgot to mention that he works as a Janitor for IBM.
2013-11-29 13:08:29 UTC
I know my name pretty much tells you my opinion of Apple but, seriously. Take a poll (as I have) of Apple product owners. When I ask why they like Apple they cannot give me a straight answer and sometime they tend to get frustrated and blame it on being non-technical or something. Every single one of them, except for one, has never tried anything else so their opinion means nothing. Last night when I was picking up my Galaxy S4 (phenomenal, btw) I was chatting with other people in the store. Half of them were there for the GS4 as well and the other half were switching to Android because they, in general, thought Apple was getting old and there was so much more out there then the same old iPhone. I was very proud. Trust me, the "arrogance" is there.

Android has been killing Apple for quite some time now. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple drops out of the game in 3-5 years and makes up some lame excuse.

2014-01-30 19:27:14 UTC
Apple sells products that are not nearly as goods as they purport themselves to be. But, despite this, Apple is able to garner massive profits. And this is why I despise Apple. Other companies, seeing Apple rake in incredible revenues, are naively or at least begrudgingly following Apple's lead. Case in point: right-clicking. More and more software is getting released that do not use right-clicking, or for which right-clicking is discouraged. Which, of course, is even more strongly discouraging the use of additional mice buttons despite the incredible utility that having multiple buttons on a mouse offers. Another example? The default layout of Windows 7 desktop. It was a blatant -- and ill-conceived -- attempt to follow Apple's lead in terms of O.S. design.

I am rather pleased with my taskbar, quick-start bar, system-tray, and start-menu.

Yes, they could be improved or tweaked -- and yes, many of Windows's features are in some ways borrowed from Apple such as the Start Menu -- but I certainly don't want to see them removed!

So, this is why I hate Apple. Apple's design practices influences the products that even non-Apple users do purchase.
2015-01-01 06:21:21 UTC
The Chinese are laughing at these foolish "American" companies fighting over "who is better". The idea is made in the USA, but EVERYTHING IS MADE IN CHINA! And charged 3 times more. Everything is crap!
2014-01-30 12:49:39 UTC
OK... so you work for IBM for a very very long time. All of the sudden, this makes you an expert in the field of technology? Are you freaking nuts or just a stupid *SS H*LE.

I have never read such an undedicated response to something that could have been a clear cut answer. You Sir are a Ucking idiot.
2014-04-20 14:44:07 UTC
FoxTrot, please tell me you're joking. Sounds like you work at Wal-Mart and just grabbed your info from Wiki.

Anyway, some people do hate it because of how expensive it is and don't want to spend more than 1 grand on a computer and think you're crazy for spending that much money (though it's your money and not theirs and thus it is not their business on how you spend your dollars) and others are just jealous of those who can afford it.
2014-06-11 18:57:38 UTC
Because people form lines for days in front of a store to buy a fickung phone. lemmings, all of them. oooohhhh a new phone, its gonna be slightly thinner and taller, i have to wait in line for it.that's why people can not stand them. and if you ever make the mistake of going into a starbuck's, it's loaded with the same douchebags who just waited in that line for 3 days to buy a phone. my windows laptop is 7 years old and still going strong
2014-08-10 14:41:34 UTC
because its 3x more expensive offer 3x LESS
2014-08-06 10:24:13 UTC
2013-09-25 07:54:04 UTC
@FoxTrot can't believe your trolling has made me sign up to reply!!

That's the biggest load of rubbish I've read for a while. For a purported IBM'er you have no idea of its history with Apple or understand Apple's relationship with its suppliers.

Please google anything you might think is not right with my response below.

Due to the enormous development costs and the relentless drive for more performance, the number of computer companies that sold systems using their own in house chips (Sun, IBM, DEC, HP, Fujitsu etc) dwindled and with the advent of the IBM compatible Personal Computer (kicked off by Compaq reverse engineering the IBM BIOS) most PC manufacturers just copied IBM's pc, including using its CPU which was made by Intel, & bundled MS DOS. IBM didn't seem to care as they where too busy making mainframes etc.

Apple used & stuck with the Motorloa 68x series of cpu's, built their own OS and encouraged Motorola to keep their CPU's in pace with Intel. In 1991 Apple wanted to ensure they had cpu's that could outperform intel's and formed an alliance with Motorola & IBM (Apple IBM Motorola) to create the PowerPC architecture. Although good in some respects, it failed to keep pace with the general computing performance provided by Intel, and Apple eventually switched to Intel for its CPU's. IBM still develop PowerPC's & still use them in their mainframes, variants are also used in so called system appliances (network switches, routers, firewalls, Mars rovers etc). Sony's Playstation 3 (cell), M$ xbox & Nintendo's gamecube & WII also used PowerPC derivatives.

In addition to Apple's instigation of PowerPC, they where also instrumental in working with Acorn, DEC, Intel, Marvell on the ARM architecture and used it in 1992 on their Newton touch screen PDA.

As can bee seen from above, Apple aren't just a company that make fancy software, they have made significant contributions, many many years ago which has culminated in the devices we see today from them and rivals.

To correct some of your criticisms:

The majority of Smart Phone vendors (99%) use a cpu that Apple helped design. Yes Samsung manufacture a lot of components for Apple, this does not mean Samsung own the patent, i could own a significant chunk of them, so long as Samsung/Apple pay royalties who cares?

no one was texting in the 1980's, at best people had pagers that displayed a number or a small amount of text.

I remember the Windows Tablets that came out ~2003, they where absolute rubbish, contrast that with the iPad that reignited the tablet market and got manufactures clambering to sell their me-too products.

Its companies like Dell that don't seem to innovate, they truly follow where Apple & others have gone before, but seem very popular and are usually used to compare with Apple.

Apple innovated PC's by popularising the WIMP GUI concept with the Macintosh launched in 1984. MS came out with their rival Windows 3.0 in 1990.

I don't have time to wax lyrical about how Apple have innovated & demonstrate how, the fact is they have, & it can be seen everywhere if you look hard enough (same can be sead of others too).

Is it IBM AIX 6 that you work on? Unix vi was released in 1975 and superseded by 1979. its older than i am.
2013-01-14 08:47:17 UTC
Apple is associated with Liberals and the Democratic Party. Microsoft and IBM are associated with Conservatives.
2013-01-14 09:04:59 UTC
The thing is Apple only is higher end product.

There just is no "budget" end Apple devices, as there are for Android devices, PCs, and portable media players, although many of the lower end budget devices are nearly crap.

Also, Apple holds more control over their IOS platfom.

But both the hardware and app store control are what make Apple good for many.
2013-01-16 17:12:59 UTC
I agree that with some people it's jealousy.

I have a friend who used to hate on Apple. She would always tell me her Android was better than my iPhone and would just insult it every time I took it out. The only reason why she would insult it was because she wanted one herself. I know this because before her birthday her parents told me they had bought her the iPhone that she had been asking for for awhile.... lol

Before I had an iPhone I had a Samsung Galaxy S. It was really nice at first, but after a year it would always freeze up on me and it eventually just stopped working altogether. So I decided to try an iPhone and I love it!!

I know that it's not jealousy with everyone. Just some people.
2013-01-15 18:43:22 UTC
Honestly its not hate, its jealousy. I am not saying that apple products are better or worse than competitors, I am just going off of facts. I have the iphone 5 and I realize that depending on the model you purchase, it costs as much as other cellphones, but there is a huge difference when it comes down to the price you payed for your MacBook Pro in comparison to other laptops out there. I am not sure about your ipad because I don't own one, but I recently bought a MacBook Pro and it was definitely more costly than other laptops on the market. Are we dumb for paying more for our MacBooks? No way. The reason we both purchased them is because it came down to what we prefer. Trust me I bought my MacBook Pro after having worked months to save up the money for it, and I can honestly say that it was worth it. You are not sensitive, you are just concerned because when you hear the same comments about something your bound to question and wonder if its true. There are many more PC owners out there, but that does not mean your dumb or wasted your money. Your laptop, phone, and tablet can do the things you want them to do and thats what matters. Oh and there is no way apple will die anytime soon, it has become more successful and recognized than before. Honestly the reason people tell you so many bad things is because right off the bat they see your Apple products and when they see your MacBook Pro they recognize that is cost more and they somehow link it to you thinking your a rich kid who gets whatever he wants, but the next time anyone tells you anything just tell them that you prefer it and if they don't leave you alone tell them you never asked for their opinion.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.