you need to understand a couple things first...
GPS - is the Global Position Satellite... it orbits the earth
What you have a is GPS RECEIVER. It receives the date stream that is sent by the GPS.
The data stream has several sentences of meaningful data.
You parse off the data you want to use.
IF you use a computer, running a map program, you can set boundries and when your posit exceeds the boundries, it can ping you... a reverse proximity alarm.
Then you need to transmit that alarm to a central receiver, and this is the difficult part - this requires a license and a radio service that permits data transmissions.
There are two services that I know that allow data, one is licensed, the other is not.
Amateur Radio is licensed and the hams are already doing what you want,
The other is unlicensed and is low power and subject to interference, that is the MURS service.
The best solution is Google Earth, a cell phone with a built in GPS, and Google's Latitude service.