Hi ted, get Nook Tablet instead. Known issues with Kindle Fire are that it runs hot to touch, video playback is jerky, touch screen is not responsive and it takes 2-3 touches to register, power button placement is very poor and is prone to accidental power off, all the hype of Silk browser is not true where the browsing is actually slower than on other Android tablets, Wi-Fi connection gives a lot of trouble to users on it, etc.
Also, when Fire is activated it allows for 1-Click shopping through the account connected to the device, and such behavior cannot be turned off. Additionally the device asks for no confirmation password before validating the purchase, which means that if anyone gets hold of the device, he can purchase things at will. it is confirmed that Prime movies can't be downloaded, only streamed, making them impossible to watch without Wi-Fi on Kindle Fire. Also, on Fire when the Silk internet browser is pointed at the Android market, it reverts to the Amazon market with much more limited content. Amazon's own web site has hundreds of reviews (close to 1200 already) of Kindle Fire's new owners that gave it 1 or 2 star reviews because of choppy/laggy experience they got from this underpowered device.
Nook Tablet is much better without a doubt, it's a class above Kindle Fire. All pro reviewers on the web clearly voiced that Nook Tablet is a much better device with superior performance compared to Kindle Fire. t's got Netflix, Hulu, Pandora, Angry Brids, etc., the best battery life (30% better than Fire), the best non-glare laminated screen (not lamination on Fire), double the RAM and space for apps/photos/movies than on Fire, microSD slot and a microphone for Skype (not on Fire), physical volume controls on the side (not on Fire), very smooth video playback with excellent screen, and very fast apps load (unlike on Fire).