It sounds like you are looking for a feature called accurate destinations, multi-destination routing, or multiple destination routing and another feature called trip monitor or gps trip recorder.
Lets get into the multiple destination feature first. This feature means that the GPS has the ability to have multiple vias per route. Only high end GPS devices have this feature.
This feature comes standard in newelectronx primo GPS units. In the newelectronx gps the multiple destination routing allows you to enter complex routes to get to different places one right after the other, quickly.
For instance if you need to go visit a destination or if you are a delivery person and need to pick up something, you can enter multiple vias or waypoints for the route; your current location, the location where you need to pick up something, and the final destination. The newelectronx gps will allow you to enter in all these via points and optimize them if you like. Route Optimization places each via or place you need to go into an order so that you can efficiently get to all of the places in an order that will save you gas and work better on fuel consumption. This type of technology will give you better gas mileage or in other words save you tons of money at the pump.
You might also consider this same feature for ATV riding. It is great for mapping new and old trails, fuel stops, 2 1/2 hour drive, & more.
The way you do this is to create a route to your final destination and allow the GPS to calculate the route. Then create a route to your waypoint or via point. The newelectronx gps will then ask if you want that location to be a new final destination, erasing the old route, or inserted into the current route as a via point. That is just how simple it is.
Here is a more complex situation for all you sales reps, semi-truck drivers, delivery driver’s delivery person, and real estate agents. Say you want to enter more than one stop in the route? Enter all the routes, places to go, via points, or waypoint will help to give you a big picture of the entire day while you are on the road. You can get really cool information from entering your trip like this. It is very good for mary kay sales people who like to see full on data about their entire route or individual stops. Optimization gives all sorts of cool information about the trip: fuel consumption, time, and more.
You can also use multi-destination-routing to avoid inner city traffic when on long drives or vacation. There are so many features that you can use this type of technology with. This feature paired with the other feature asked in your question, trip recording is awesome.
The trip monitor or gps trip recorder paired with multi destination will give you the ability to get data recordings that doesn't require a computer on the ATV to capture ridden data such as direction, speed, duration of stops, and addresses along the trail. You get travel details for every location, every turn, every stop and it's as simple as press the record button on the GPS or setting it up to auto record. The trip monitor feature has many features: Trip Computer, Map, Compass, etc. I hope this answered the gist of your question and ends the running around.
Bearing Direction, in degrees, to the next waypoint
Cadence Revolutions of the crank arm per minute (for bicyclists using the cadence accessory)
Course Direction from the last waypoint to the next waypoint
Distance to Destination Distance to final destination
Distance to Next Distance to the next waypoint or turn
Elevation Elevation above sea level
ETA at Destination Estimated time of arrival at final destination
ETA at Next Estimated time of arrival at next waypoint or turn
Glide Ratio Ratio of horizontal distance traveled to vertical distance traveled
Glide Ratio to Dest Glide ratio required to descend from your current position and elevation to the position and elevation of your final destination
GPS Signal Strength Strength of satellite lock
Heading Direction you are currently heading
Location (lat/lon) Location in ddd mm.mmm format
Odometer Total distance traveled for all trips
Off Course Distance to your desired ATV trail
Pointer Arrow indicating direction to travel to the next waypoint or turn
Speed Current ATV speed
Speed - Overall Avg. Average speed, including time stopped, since last reset
Sunrise Time of today's sunrise at your current position
Sunset Time of today's sunset at your current position
Time of Day Time at your current position
Time to Destination Estimated elapsed time until you reach your final destination
Time to Next Estimated elapsed time until you reach your next waypoint or turn