it depends on how much you want to spend. and what features you want. if you want one you can put in the house and the car just go with a mobile radio, one that can be in the car. dont worry about a base unit if your gonna move it back and forth.... cuz you dont want that in a car anyway.
if you want a standard 40 band am cb radio for not too much money a cobra 29 isnt a bad start. if you plan on using it in the house, you will probably like a sideband radio better
Galaxy DX 949 is a great radio for this, or the 959 (it has a built in freq. counter.
you know you will need a nice big antenna for the house right?
their is no way to register a name or call sign or handle or anything for CB radio anymore. not since the 70's you can just buy the radio and use your own name or make something up.
if you plan on using sideband most people pick a 3 digit number, and use that. if you get the side band you will be AMAZED at how many people around you have it as well.
Their is so much info CB's out their so much is false, so much is good stuff, theirs a lot to learn.
heres a good place to start asking questions, or w/e
edit: Fisherman i dont mean to disrespect you but the sunspot cycle as far as they can tell is .. pretty good right now, which is actually kind of annoing you turn on the cb to talk down the road and your hearng the other side of the country... i cant wait till it dies down a little bit, my squelch is almost all the way up. :-/ 2010 they say will be the top, i really dont want it to get much worse >:O