Wow, you got all kinds of answers...none of them very good.
You need to spend some time looking at The Radio Ameteur's Handbook. In there are pages and pages of antenna theory and construction articles for various antennas.
Materials you will need:
Plexiglass for insulators
aluminum tubing for elements
Aluminum tubing or a long wood pole for a boom to mount
the elements upon.
300 ohm ribbon cable for feedline, or 75 ohm coax feedline
depending upon the type of driven element you choose.
a folded dipole requires 300 ohm feed
a half wave dipole requires 75 ohm feed
I would suggest you look into the idea of a 3 element beam antenna...not to hard to build at home.
you need to determine what channels the antenna is going to work on - that determines the length of the elements. The driven element is the one that is most critical.
Each Television Channel has a Frequency (Sound and Picture). Look this up on the Internet using a search. Then use L = 468/Freq in Mhz to get the element length for a half wave dipole. The director should be 8 percent shorter. The reflector should be 8 percent longer. Use some of the spacing information in the handbook to get a rough idea of element spacing in inches.