2011-10-06 04:03:05 UTC
And before anyone bashes me, YES I've used solder, YES I know what it does. Hence my question in more detail; will it affect the needle's ability to read vinyls? The idea came up because I think it's awesome in STICKING things together.
As far as the damage is concerned, it was COMPLETELY bent downwards (never trusting friends who aren't DJs with my crap ever again, lesson learned). After bending it back to place, it created a little slice and if I have to bend it again for any reason, it's going to break off :(
My solutions at hand are gum and nail polish -___- but if solder will help without "bringing extra stuff into my original signal" then I will do it.
Any thoughts?
I'm in a crunch with no time to get a new stylus btw.